Curious about the history of ICEL?
Here’s a short summary of the history of ICEL (International Church of Evangelicals in Leuven).
In 1982, a group of several teachers at the ETF (Evangelische Theologische Faculteit) in Heverlee explored the idea of starting a new church in Leuven: an international church with English as the working language that would serve Leuven’s international students.
This vision was promoted by Adriaan Stringer, a former CAMA (Christian and Missionary Alliance) missionary who taught at the ETF. His wife Betsy, Dolf and Joan Van Roode and Marjan Blok, all working at the ETF, joined forces. Over the summer of 1982 they met, discussed, planned and on Sunday 28/11/1982, they held the first Sunday meeting at the ISOL bar in Vesaliusstraat. In those days, ISOL bar was a popular spot for the Catholic University of Leuven’s international students to meet.
A related information session was held for ETF students, leading many to decide to participate, excited by the prospect of leading services and preaching. It was regarded as a form of internship and open to both men and women. It was also a great opportunity to meet other students from all over the world, many of whom had never heard the Gospel. People from diverse backgrounds and denominations find each other on this common ground.
People from Africa, Asia, and the Americas found their way to ICEL, a place where everyone could belong. Often, they would take new friends along. For many, ICEL became and is a home away from home. In fact, many of the ETF students who helped create and grow ICEL are still at work in the wider church family.
Over time ICEL outgrew the ISOL bar. Consequently, the community began gathering in the upper room of a former convent, across from the Beguinage’s St. John the Baptist Church. However, it wasn’t long before this space could no longer accommodate the amount of attendees.
Thankfully, a new place was found by networking with the KULeuven. In 1985, ICEL began meeting every Sunday at the Heilige Geest College on Naamsestraat. While it was a warm, welcome place, it eventually became too small. During this time ICEL not only consisted of (largely international) students, but was also home to a growing number of young families. As most of the children went to Flemish schools, ICEL started holding activities for them parallel to the Sunday Services. It was also around this time that ICEL began its wonderful Christmas Potluck Dinner tradition. Many students were often unable to return home for Christmas, so Christmas Day became the perfect occasion to celebrate the holiday and share a meal in good company. Unsurprisingly, word got round about the good food and good company, and we soon found ourselves surrounded by new faces.
In 2002, KU Leuven provided a new venue, and ICEL began worshiping at the Pauscollege Chapel on Hogeschoolplein. Centrally situated, it proved an ideal location. Nevertheless, the community outgrew this chapel as well. The Board of the Roman Catholic Church of Terbank agreed to share their church with ICEL in 2019, thus providing us with a new home. Our two communities currently enjoy a cordial relationship.
Over the years, ICEL has seen new and old venues, activities, and faces. We’ve celebrated new births and mourned the deaths of loved ones together.
These days, with a rich and varied community, ICEL now has several activities available to all walks of life. But none would have been possible without people committed to serving the church with their talents and time, both volunteers and employees. Kees and Toos Rosies were especially instrumental in ICEL’s growth; both served as the church’s pastors for many years. Our community is always evolving. People return to their home countries or head to new destinations, and we miss them. But as familiar faces disappear, we’re joined by new ones.
What has always united us is the spirit, the awareness that together we are an image of the household of God, the vast family Jesus Christ has welcomed us into.
ICEL is a registered local NPO (Non Profit Organisation)/VZW(Vereniging Zonder Winstoogmerk). ICEL’s Code of Conduct is available on request. Feel free to ask our pastors Eric and Amy Casteel or a board member for more information. We look forward to welcoming you!